Directed by: Brennan Moring

Set design by: Nikki Barron of Kittenteeth

Styling by: Sara Fagala and Eliza Epstein

Produced by: Chris King, Derek Luther, and Brennan Moring

Special thanks: Malcolm Roberts, Tom Meyers, Shayla Riday, Maya Evans, Elliot Preston, Sebastian Brown Glad, Nike Champion, Daniel Greenblat, Bella Petro, Nike Champion, Teagan Conway, Patrick Moening, Chris Costalupes, Jake Knapp, Rachel Bennett, Shaina Shepherd, Hillary Randle, Matty Watts, Riley Walund, Danielle Greathouse, and Ross Albrechtson. 


Directed by: Nikki Barron of Kittenteeth

Camera Crew: James Gurdy and Erik Kalligraphy

Styling by: Nikki Barron

Produced by: Chris King and Nikki Barron

Special thanks: Skyway Bowl, Grocery Outlet Skyway, Malcolm Roberts, Tom Meyers, Derek Luther, Marshall Law Band, Jake Knapp, and everyone who came out to bowl with us!

mama gaia

Video by by WAFFLMAKR